Wednesday 15 August 2012

Pictures are worth a thousand words

They say pictures are worth a thousand words and I wish I had more photos to share, but here are just a few of what the product is doing for people around the world:

This little boy in Germany was suffering from severe eczema and he was on prednizone since very young. His mum took him off the medication because she was concerned of the side effects. She heard about the product and got him started and after several months these were his results:

My friend, Terry who lives in the Chicago area of the States, went through bowel cancer 15 years ago and wasn't expected to survive because of the bad reaction to the chemo therapy she had. This is what she looked like during that time:

But taking the products helped her through the side effects she was experiencing and this is what she looks like now!

And one last photo I have to share is this one that really moved me at a recent conference of a little girl who is on the products because of the charitable arm of the company that combats malnutrition around the world. Rosemarie lives in the Philippines and was suffering from severe malnutrition. As a two year old, she only weighed 8 lbs. However, after only 19 days on the products, she put on 6 lbs and was developing muscles. The pictures show more clearly what the product did for her over time:

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